Take care that no mistakes be made.
Take care that no mistakes be made.
He took care to formulate his reply very clearly.
他字斟句酌, 清楚地了回答。
She asked the chambermaid to take care of him.
He had other people to take care of besides me.
除了我以外, 他还需要照料其他人。
She is too flighty to take care of young children.
And take care not to slobber it onto your caftan.
Take care that you don't presume on my feelings.
Nanometer far-infrared wave energy promotes blood circulation and takes care of catamenia.
Her disability made taking care of the home and raising a family doubly difficult.
It is possible to do corrective surgery on the eyes to take care of the problem.
Finely taking care of the weak and impurely skin, perfectly release the beauty and white ingredients.
You can minimize the dangers of driving by taking care to obey the rules of the road.
严格遵规则, 你就能把行车危险降到最低点。
Only let me take care that I act worthily toward this promise.Let me not go timidly, halfheartedly, carelessly, presumptuously.
Nurserymaid:The full-time employment housework-house cleaning,family cooking,taking care lf old people and babies 24hourse in house service.
Meanwhile, Anne has been begging Muttonchops and Girlboy to help her take care of the mutant boyfriend from Hell's poultry farm.
"Damn her," said Sharpitlaw,"I will take care she has her time in Bedlam or Bridewell, or both, for she's both mad and mischievous."
Given a robust 52-bit password, you can then use a password manager to take care of the dozens of easily guessable ones used to access various web services.
Under the nose may face on or faces takes care of a matter wilfully, does not have to replace the grinding wheel piece then to resharpen the bevel edge.
About the precious cultural heritage, we should study it with awestricken attitudes and take care of it.Passing on the lacquer-ware craft will beautify our life and inherit our culture.
Since the barber gave everybody the same haircut, his practised hand took care of his job without involving his mind.He used his mental capacity, thus spared, to turn raconteur and juicy gossipmonger.
因为理发师给了大家同样理发, 他的被实践的手照顾了他的工作没有介入他的头脑。